construction hero

Experts recruitingConstruction CANDIDATES

Construction is the foundation of Zenith Search. We have a track record of successful recruitment in all facets of the built environment. Whether it’s civil, marine, structural, mechanical, piping, electrical, commercial building or more, we have the experience and the client relationships to secure your next opportunity.

Our national network can help you find permanent, contract or temporary employment. This includes project delivery roles in leadership, engineering, commercial and supervisory positions. We also cover executive-level roles in the corporate environment in addition to all functional support areas such as HR, recruitment, finance, safety, quality, environment and IT.

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6 reasons you won't forget Why use Zenith

  1. Industry specialisation

    Many of our specialised construction recruitment experts have worked within the industry, which means you can take advantage of their knowledge and networks.

  2. Support and guidance

    We do much more than simply find your next opportunity. We support and guide you along your chosen career path.

  3. Industry networks

    Our candidates enjoy access to our impressive list of contacts across a raft of industries, with full-time, part-time and contract roles available.

  4. Candidate focus

    We go above and beyond – we’re methodical, thorough, and committed to finding you the perfect fit for your skills and personality.

  5. Honest, transparent, accurate

    We pride ourselves on being genuine, reasonable and ethical people. Our relationships and our reputation are paramount.

  6. Results that speak for themselves

    For more than a decade, we’ve been helping people just like you, across the state, the country and the world navigate a successful career path in construction.

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